
作者:来源:时间:2012-09-05阅读:博彩译文 [收藏]

  有人说,德州扑克是运气的游戏,但其实是有一些最好的球员的策略。知道如何下注,读你的对手,知道哪些牌可打都是非常 重要的,成功地玩这个游戏。计算概率,知道的百分比,将会给你一个优势。




  了解计算出的赔率。有一些非常简单的方法,只需要很少的数学技能。你可以学习安全地调用赌注押在失去如果锅够大手的青睐。 4.学习您可以致电或折叠,在正确的时间,赚取更多的利润,从长远来看,将会使您的彩池赔率。

  5.您的位置通知给经销商的按钮。应尽量减少玩手的位置(位置刚刚结束的按钮)的按钮,尽量让你的手,和在它之前。小盲注是 最糟糕的按钮是最好的位置。


  7.当第一次开始的时候,最好是采取紧进取的策略,直到你明白的游戏机制。您可以赚取利润的下限游戏从最好的位置,发挥最强 的手和提高时,你的手是强还是折叠的,如果你觉得它被殴打。

  8.如果您诱导虚张声势,使确定的“故事”你说的是对的。试想一下,你有最好的牌,并尝试打赌的方式。如果你在翻牌前加注, 你的对手最有可能假设你有很高的卡,如AA,AK,AQ或AJ,如果翻牌是,和你提出的翻牌前和翻牌显示出一些高卡,你应该下注, 因为你需要别人相信你有高度的卡,如果翻牌没有显示,高卡 ??,你不应该提高,因为不正确的,其他的球员 ??都知道,你是唬人的 翻牌前的加注是你的故事,你会最有可能获得更好的手占主导地位的,你应该检查。


  Some people say that Texas Hold'em is a game of luck, but there are in fact a number of strategies employed by its best players. Knowing how to bet, reading your opponent, and knowing which cards to play are all very important to successfully playing this game. Also calculating odds, and knowing the percentages, will give you an advantage.

  1.Learn which starting hands are statistically favoured to profit in the long run so when you are dealt cards, you only play the hands with a positive expected value.

  2.Learn how to bet against the people you play regularly so that you can get the most chips out of a pot. Pay attention to their playing styles and habits.

  3.Make sure to raise when you believe you have the best hand. If you play no-limit, make your raise a sufficient size to chase away drawing hands that could end up beating yours.

  4.Learn to calculate odds. There are some very easy methods that require little math skills. You can learn to safely call bets on a hand that is favored to lose if the pot is large enough. Learning your pot odds will enable you to call or fold at the right times, earning much more profit in the long run.

  5.Take notice of your position to the dealer button. Try to minimize to play hand out of position (positions just after the button) and try to maximize your hand on the button, and before it. The small blind is the worst and the button is the best position.

  6.Read! There are several sites and forums dedicated to poker strategy, and amazing amounts of books and magazines on the subject of gameplay.

  7.When first starting out, it is advisable to adopt a tight-aggressive strategy until you understand the game mechanics. You can make a profit at lower limit games by simply playing the strongest hands from the best positions, and either raising when your hand is strong or folding if you feel it is beaten.

  8.If you induce a bluff, make sure the "story" you tell is right. Imagine that you have the best hand and try to bet that way. If you pre-flop raise, you opponents most likely assume you have high cards like A-A, A-k, A-Q or A-J, if the flop comes, and you pre-flop raised and the flop is showing some high cards, you should bet because you need others to believe that you have high cards, if the flop doesn't show, high cards, you shouldn't raise because then is your story incorrect and other players will know that you were bluffing the pre-flop raise, and you will most likely get dominated by better hands, you should then check instead.

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